Monday, September 21, 2009

Grow Up Kurdistan!!!

Just a while ago, politicians in Kurdistan we responding to the courageous few voices of criticism through the claim that we are still going through the infancy stage of our nation building. That characterization had a lot of truth to it, however, it says more about what we are going through now. After 18 years of self-governance, it is time to admit that we are "suffering" from the adolescence stage of our growth and development.
I mean, take a look around you and will sense the truth of this diagnosis. There is a lot of hormone running around, creating more buzz and foolishness than what you expect from a teenager. We just went through a very teaching lesson of parliamentary and presidential elections that were tainted by black headed comedons of the acnes of irregularities. Our politicians wanted it all regardless of how to get it. Just like a teenager who wants the latest model of cars, laptops and mobile phones regardless of how to pay for it. And guess what, just like a spoiled adolescent, some of our politicians got it all the way they think its right. And on top of it, those who won engaged in a binge of celebrations, while those who lost started a temper tantrum. And exactly like a teenager who refuses that she is wrong, those who lost, started not only complaining but also accusing others for their own failures and shortcomings. So the "logical" move was to start firing and moving of teachers, soldiers and others. Doesn't that look exactly like a teenager who crushed her car and blames her parents and siblings for it?
We are suffering now from all the personality and physiological disorders and abnormalities coming up with the surge of resources "Hormones" of our adolescence. At this stage of our development, we don't have too many choices; we can continue being Schizoid and disregard the rule of law and be violent to the rights of others or we can grow to be respectful and mature adults. It is time to look around for the superego that we are so victimizing at the expense of our political ego. In this whole mess, the Id is using its most primitive defense of denial. Some deny that they just failed and their policies don't work anymore. It would be easier to resort to the superego of family, school and society in general for solutions

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